performance problem

Specific Q&A about the new Flash export
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:45 pm


First of all congratulations to your Pano2QTVR! Really great!! Never saw before panos in flash with such a quality.

I'm programming flash sites and currently working together with a pano pro who uses your Pano2QTVR. The .swf looks great, everything fine.

But the .swf seems to need a lot of performance power of the flash plugin, nearly all of it. We even made the experience that on some older pc's the flash player refuses to play the pano and gives a warning that a script is slowing down the pc and suggests to stop the script. And the pano size wasn't so big at all... of course that problem didn't came up if we tested it in the browser.

On the flash website we're currently working we have beside the pano some other flash animation. No chance. In combination it's getting so slow, no fun at all. That even happens if you don't move the pano.

So I guess (of course I don't know) that the pano.swf is doing all the time some calculating action. If that is the case it would be a great option to have a method to activate / deactivate the pano. So it would be possible to activate the pano only if the mouse is above the pano... and that would be a great advantage for the performance of the rest of flash site...

I would be glad for any help or info.

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Chief Gnome
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Location: Vienna, Austria

The swf does not do anything if there is no movement except some housekeeping. On a fast PC the CPU usage should drop to 1-2% but the movie was always running with 50 fps to get out the maximum frame rate (where in fact the effective framerate drops to 5-20 fps).

Since beta6 I made some precautions for cases like yours. You can change the basis frame rate of the pano so you can pin the animation to f.e. 5 or 10 fps so that the rest can be used for other animations. This is also useful for autorotations. A good value for the maximum frame rate depends on the size, quality and content of the pano so maybe you should experiment to find something that fits your needs.

I hope this information helps with your case.
MfG, Thomas
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:45 pm

Hi Thomas,

thanx for your fast answer / help.

We tried today some different versions and everything went fine. The only problem is when you move the pano at the same time with some other animation. Then it really slows down.

Changing the frame rate of the pano would be a solution, but 50 fps really looks nice. And I have to admit that the test PC is about two years old - so not so fast as possible...
