Joomla Plugin - Error:Temporary folder not found

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Posts: 4
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Hi all,

I have installed the new GGPKG Joomla Plugin in a J2.5 environment and that seems to be successfull. Now, when I place the tag like {ggpkg file="360view/demo.ggpkg" display_userdata="false"} in a article, i get the error message 'Temporary folder not found!'. Btw, I get the same message, when i set the full url in the file-variable.

The ggpkg-File was generatet with Object2VR 3.0beta3 on a Mac. The hosting-server is a Apache-System with PHP 5.3.27 - i don't know, if this is important.

Know anybody the problem? Thanks...
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Ive got the same problem with Joomla! version 3.1.5, as you can see below.


The WordPress plug-in works in version 3.6, fortunately for me as i use WordPress more than Joomla!
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Could you please try just putting 'demo.ggpkg' into the files tag.
The Joomla plugin does not care for the folder. (so you should not put packages with the same name into different folders)
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Hi christoph

If i use the following code {ggpkg file="Pano_Garden_Pano.ggpkg"} i get loads of PHP errors. If i place {ggpkg file="panorama1/Pano_Garden_Pano.ggpkg"} or
{ggpkg file="images/panorama1/Pano_Garden_Pano.ggpkg"} i only get the message i have posted. When i uploaded the package through the Media manager, i placed it in the folder images/panorama1.
BTW i am using Pano2VR, so thats where my ggpkg file was created.
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Hi Christoph

I have nearly the same effect as pnc1956... when i give only the filename in the File-param (without the path), i get the following error message.

Warning: mb_strpos() [function.mb-strpos.php]: Empty delimiter in /home/ibpfch/www/produktfotografie/libraries/phputf8/mbstring/core.php on line 45


I test it on a Mac with Firefox 23.0.1 and other html5 pages works fine - in safari the problem is exactli the same.
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@ RomanP & pnc1956:
I have sent you a private message....
Posts: 109
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There has been a problem with packages from Object2VR in our Wordpress and Joomla plugins.
This is fixed now and new versions of the plugins are available.

There is another thing to keep in mind:
Filenames in Linux are case-sensitive, so the names in our file-tag are case-sensitive, too.
So if for instance your package would show as 'pano.ggpkg' in the media manager, and you used a shortcode like '{ggpkg file="Pano.ggpkg"}' (notice the capital P), this would result in a 'Temporary folder not found!' - error!
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I also have a problem with the message

"Temporary folder not found!"

in my Joomla installation. Today I downloaded V1.0.3 of the Joomla plugin, but no improvement.

I placed the ggpkg file of my virtual tour in my Joomla images folder (which is the standard media folder in my installation) and called the tour with {ggpkg file="zahnarztpraxis.ggpkg"}. Does not work!

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Hi Kifo!
Did you upload your package file via the media manager?
Our plugin has to unpack the .ggpkg file to a temporary folder, this does not happen if you upload via ftp to the images folder directly.
Also, make sure that the name in the file-tag is exactly the same as it appears in the media manager - file names are case sensitive in linux, so make sure that the file name is not 'Zahnarztpraxis.ggpkg' for instance.

Hope this helps....

regards, Christoph
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Hi All
I've just this very morning found time to test the new Joomla! plugin version 1.0.3, and now it works in Joomla! version 3.1.5. Thanks
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Hi Christoph,

thanks for your hint, uploading with the media manager instead of ftp made the difference.

However, extracting the files into the tmp folder seems not to be the best solution.
Some cache cleaner plugins clear the entire tmp folder upon activation. Then the files are easily gone again.
I recommend to extract files into a dedicated ggpkg folder, where they are safe from harm like this.

Another little glitch that I discovered: When displaying a tour within the joomla ggpkg player, German Umlaute and ß are replaced by a symbol �. The same can be seen on the backend plugin settings page: H�he instead of Höhe.

Best regards,
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Hi Kifo!
Thank you for your advice, they will be included in the next version of the plugin.

Kind regards,
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Location: Petawawa Ontario Canada

I am having the same issue. I am using Joomla 2.5 and have downloaded and installed the current Joomla 1.2.1 plugin. Using the media manager I have uploaded, both my own tour, created with 5.5.1 pro, and the tour.ggpkg tour provided by Garden Gnome but receive the same temporary folder error. The pano's reside in my images folder.

I have entered the following code inside my article.

{ggpkg file="bigeddy.ggpkg" start_preview="true" display_map="true" width="1024" height="768"}

Any suggestions?

Thanks Russ
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Location: Petawawa Ontario Canada

I believe I have tried everything discussed in the thread with no success. Can anyone help? Note my Sept 24th post.

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