Mobile cache manifest - 2

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Ok . . .

I have watched Marty's video; read the accompanying texts and followed all the instructions to the letter. I have the correct mime type, added the text to the .htaccess too.

Uploaded everything as suggested, and whilst the first of my panos will download to my iPhone, the remainder, when I try to access them, come up with the following:

XMLHttpRequest Exception 101

If anyone can suggest what this means, or suggest why I should be getting this error, I would be grateful.

The images can be found at ... x_mob.html

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Jon
Try using the loading text code so you can see how much needs to be downloaded.
I had a look with my iPad 2 which works fine, however it did pop up saying I needed to increase my storage to 25 MB, so I would say it may need a bit of time to load all the tiles.
I did not get the error.
BTW, did you include the pano2vrgyro.js in the manifest ?

Also you might want to remove the auto rotate button as the gyro stops this from working.

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I did use the loading text script; it can be seen just under the skin. I included the gyro script in the manifest, but I cannot see how that would be a problem.

Good idea about the rotate button.

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Hi Jon
Saving to my iPads home screen, and opening the web app, it took about 8 minutes then it pooped up asking to increase my storage to 50MB, I said ok and as it would it came up with an error. I restarted the download by closing the web app and reopening it. After a while it came up with cache is ready.
I then disconnected the WiFi (Aeroplane mode on) and could visit all the nodes of the tour without any problems.

As a above, but wanted to increase to 10MB, then popped up saying increase to 25MB, then again asking to increase to 50MB of course had to restart the download each time it asked. After this it came up with cache ready and I could visit all nodes in Aeroplane mode.

Just for a giggle I also tried on the iPod Touch 4th generation, this asked for storage increase but then after a while just keeps coming up with error and would not come to cache ready. After a few attempts I gave up with it. I think this is due to a hardware limitation however I have not seen the error you mention.
I believe my iPod Touch 4th generation is the same specification as the iPhone 4, but without the phone part. So am not confident this will work on an iPhone 4.
BTW the loading text needs to be at the bottom of the file tree to bring it forward, when opening with the smaller screen the navigation thumbnails hide the loader.
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The first bit now works, but it will not cache ti the iPhone at all. Shame about that, since the antennae on these things is crap and the saved version would have been very useful.

Thanks for all the input.

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Lets assume you have made mobile sized tiles.
No point caching the super sized hi-res Computer tiles to your iPhone.
Open the .manifest file in Notepad etc and remove all but the iPhone required tiles from the .manifest list and save.
Upload again and then save the tour to your iPhone.

You may have to update the date/time in the manifest to make sure it is reading the most current version. This, or change the URL.

Saving 10-25-50mb into iPhone cache = ridiculous! not to mention a waste of bandwidth for the user as the files will never be called upon.

Regards, Smooth 8)
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Yes. Agreed. I have done a little reading around and it appears the iPhone will cache no more than a couple of megabytes. I will take your suggestion Smooth; I need to cache a couple of tours to show them (along with the trendy gyroscopic movement) to a terribly keen customer on Tuesday - a 400 mile round trip for half an hour's meeting (Ossie distances). There are apps that will cache individual pages, but having tried a few, found that none will allow linking when xml files are called into play.

Looks good on an iPad, though. On my Asus eeePad, terrible.

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Hi Jon
GoodReader is a good app that will let you upload tours.
You first have to zip up your project folder with all the files then transfer to the iDevice.
GoodReader will then let you unzip it in your device, you only then need to open the starting html page to run the tour.
It does have one problem, well it did when I last used it, that is GoodReader needs you to exit fullscreen so you can get out and go back to open other tours.
If you just have a fullscreen template you have to go to the iDevice settings and reset GoodReader, not overly a problem.

I would use this over cache manifest as this is storing the files on the device rather than just cacheing them in a web app.
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Superb, Hopki!

Works a treat. Thanks!!!!

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Many thanks for the tip - painless.

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Hopki wrote:.....GoodReader is a good app that will let you upload tours....
I can second Martin's advice, GoodReader is really great for showing a portfolio on iDevices.

If you only need to show a tour a few times and then want to get rid of it then another option is to use iCab Mobile for iDevices.
This inexpensive app can store up to 100 MB cache and can show the panos without internet connection and without the need to go the manifest route.
For showing just a few panos it is also the fastest app. On iPhone4 I can open 4 panos in 4 tabs, show them full screen and within a eyeblink I can switch, while staying fullscreen, between the panos with a two or three finger tap, very convienant as loading time is almost zero.
iCab Mobile is like the Swiss army knife for iDevice webbrowsers, it has a zillion options so the app has also a (not to steep) learning curve to get the max out of it.
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