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Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:22 pm

Buenas noches!
Mi nonbre es Antonio Vinal, soy de Orihuela - Alicante (España), estoy empezando a trabajar con pano2vr.
Pido disculpas por no hablar en inles, os dejo el enlace a mi pagina web donde podreis ver mis trabajos, espero que me aconsejen como expertos en pano2vr que son ustedes en cuanto a la edición del skin y mas detalles que vean. Ojala me encuentre con algun usuario que hable castellano. Gracias!!
http://www.laboratorioclandestino.es/vi ... ex_mh.html
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Hello Antonio Vinal,
Welcom to the Forum,

Using my trusty Spanish / English translation software to roughly translate his comment reads like this:
Good evening! My name is Antonio Vinal, I am of Orihuela - Alicante (Spain), I am beginning to work with pano2vr. I ask excuses by not speaking in english, you abandonment the link to my pagina web where podreis to see my projects,I expect that they advise me like experts in pano2vr that are you as for the edition of the skin and but details that see. Please find me some user that speak Spanish. Thanks!

Antonio's panorama work appears here.


All right, maybe my translator software does not do a good job, but at least we are trying to communicate.
Pano2VR Forum Global Moderator
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Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:22 pm

360Texas wrote:Hello Antonio Vinal,
Welcom to the Forum,

Using my trusty Spanish / English translation software to roughly translate his comment reads like this:
Good evening! My name is Antonio Vinal, I am of Orihuela - Alicante (Spain), I am beginning to work with pano2vr. I ask excuses by not speaking in english, you abandonment the link to my pagina web where podreis to see my projects,I expect that they advise me like experts in pano2vr that are you as for the edition of the skin and but details that see. Please find me some user that speak Spanish. Thanks!

Antonio's panorama work appears here.


All right, maybe my translator software does not do a good job, but at least we are trying to communicate.
Thank for your colaboration Dave!
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Qué tal Antonio, mi nombre es Pablo, soy de Argentina. Felcitaciones por tus tours,
Estoy recién empezando con los tours virtuales y me interesa mucho poder personalizar mis skins y sobre todo poder añadir ventanas con información.
Si pudieras compartir cómo has hecho para que la información de las fotos de la muestra se abra en una ventana flotante te lo agradecería mucho.
Aquí hay un post donde han estado discutiendo el tema, pero todavía yo no he logrado hacerlo:
http://gardengnomesoftware.com/forum/vi ... =13&t=1648
Muchas gracias!

Hi Antonio, congratulations for you work. Very nice.
I´m starting with 360s and I´m very interested in customizing skins and adding pop up windows.
If you can share how you did that floating windows would be really appreciated
Here´s a post were people is trying to do it, but I couldn´t make it yet.
http://gardengnomesoftware.com/forum/vi ... =13&t=1648
Many Thanks!
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