Feature wishlist

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please add a fullscreen mode with hardware scaling (new feature of flash player 9.125 and up)

here are two links describing this feature


thanks, looking forward to this nice thing :)
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Hi Thomas

When you get to the stage when we can embed Objects2VR swf’s in to Pano2VR any chance of a swf preloader option?

So when the Pano is loading it is also loading the object swf too. I know this would mean that the load time is longer as you are loading two swf files, but as internet connections get faster and faster this wont be a problem.

Just a thought
Hopki :)
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Would be nice to have the "Move to view" action in object2VR, indicating the column and row and as mentioned in another post the change to add hotspot templates in the skin also.
Regards, Martin
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If I could add to this, it would be cool if the move to default view also included the Fov like the default view action does.
Hopki :)
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Hi. I would like to add:
1. point hotspots.
2. more close connection O2VR and Pano2VR. It means that it wold be greate to load o2vr files from p2vr and vice versa.
3. flags in output configuration dialog to turn off the rotation and music untill the full load.

...and I slill wonder what is the difference betwin pictures AFTER o2vr. They looks more sharpen. Perhaps, there is no bitmapped smoothing in o2vr... In p2vr there is no such problem.

Greate work!
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Hello Thomas and congratulations for this softwart !

One of the most important upgrade I think and suggest is the abbility for the cursor (pointer) to change when it roll over the swf window and when you drag the tour.
When somebody (that unknow this type of tour) see it, it's reflex is not to move his mouse or to drag and drop because the pointer doesn't change (like in a QTVR).
My clients who are viewing a object2VR tour don't unederstand the system... they think there're viewing a simple picture (if you not enable the Auto Play option).
As example, there was in the past a online software a bit similar to Object2VR called "Picture Cloud", you can see a video here http://cnettv.cnet.com/picture-cloud/97 ... 22690.html and see the mouse pointer (a hand) when the user roll over the swf. The hand is open by default and it is closed when you drag the tour. That was perfect and well understood by the users. (note that the design of the hand was poor, bad made). If you want to check it bigger, I always have a Picture Cloud tour. (mvp me)

Note that the Picture Cloud pictures upload system was realy easy, only drag and drop, the software calculate himself the number of picture.
But I think this system is incompatible with a tour including multiple columns and rows.

However, Object2vr is a fantastic software, very well made, congratulations again !
Thank you to keep me in touch if you modify this point, it is very important for me.

Best regards,

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The option of hotspot changing colour once visited... if you have 15 hotspots, which connect via more than one linkit would be nice for the viewer to knowthat they had already visited the link...
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For Hotspot-Area:

1. Shortcut or button to go to next image - very usefull if you have many pics with a lot of hotspots to paint

2. Shift to open a rectangle/ellipse in 1:1 aspect ratio

3. Undo hotspot painting

for flash output

1. in Auto Play mode : once

possibility to store User Data
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hängematte wrote: 1. Shortcut or button to go to next image - very usefull if you have many pics with a lot of hotspots to paint
With the latest beta you can already use the cursor keys on your keyboard to move between images.
MfG, Thomas
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I think the ability to have more control over view states would greatly help.

As currently if view state 0 has 35 columns & 4 rows then when i create view state 1 it is forced to have the same amount of rows and columns.

I think you should be able to set up view states independantly.

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erik leeman wrote:Here's a screenshot:


I just gave that watch a whirl and pressed the [Print Screen] button.
To show it is projected inside the pano I reduced its alpha in the skin editor.

It would be absolutely fantastic if we could do this with Pano2VR and Object2VR!


Now, that's great!
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D-Coley wrote:I think the ability to have more control over view states would greatly help.

As currently if view state 0 has 35 columns & 4 rows then when i create view state 1 it is forced to have the same amount of rows and columns.

I think you should be able to set up view states independantly.

D-Coley wrote:I think the ability to have more control over view states would greatly help.

As currently if view state 0 has 35 columns & 4 rows then when i create view state 1 it is forced to have the same amount of rows and columns.

I think you should be able to set up view states independantly.

I would totally agree with this.
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I second Thommen's feature request. I think it would make more sense to users if the cursor switched to an open hand when you mouse over the swf and a closed hand when you move the object around. Thanks!
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I just found Pano2VR and have been playing around with the 2.3.3 demo version (not beta). There are a few suggestions I'd like to add to the list. They may sound odd but they would add some interesting features:

- the option to use an .SWF as a patch. Imaging a VR of a room with a TV and There is something playing on the TV. Also patches should be clickable. I do have a reason why (see below).

- Along with transitions between panos I think maybe being able to pop up an .SWF video or image while the other pano is loading (or is already pre-loaded). So imagine you have a pano of a room (sure same room as before. Why the hell not) then you click on a hot spot. You then get a video of the door opening slowly while a creaking sound is heard (thats part of the .SWF file). While this is playing a new pano of the same room but with the door now open loads. This new pano has a hot spot for the door.

- This one will be a lot more tricky but I'd like to see a very rudimentary variable and logic system. So lets say you click on a hotspot. it activates a patch to be displayed (either a still patch or an .swf video) and it sets a variable. It could then pass the variable to either another pano as it loads, store it in memory or pass it back to the web page using AJAX / or a .php script / or stored in _SESSION cookie. That way there is some way to know that you did something in a previous pano (like open the door or turn the TV on). Or too set a variable if an .SWF video has ended so it knows you watched something. for ease of programming give the creater a limited number of variables (a-z) that way things can't get to out of hand too quickly. So you could attach an action to a hot spot. then you could present a window using drop-downs that says "If [variable a-z/timer (see below)] is [equal/greater/less/true/false] then <set variable/display or hide patch/play or stop sound/change background sound/display or hide button/load another pano/activate or deactivate another hot spot>". The [] are drop-downs and the <> are check boxes because the creator may want to do more than one action. I don't know if it should be one logic statement per click-able item (hot spot or loaded patch) or if you can add them to a stack in operational order. I like the stack idea because you may want 'if a=5 then play sound" then 'if b=true then activate hotspot and display patch". You could also have other type logic operation to add to the stack besides if/thens. Imagine 3 operations in a stack. The top operation could have 'z = a + b' then the next one is ''y=z/2' then the last 'if y>20 then load pano'

- Some sort time system based on the users local time (now) or a factor of time (time x 5) or to count the passage of time (20 minutes). One example would be 2 panos. One thats the room in day time and another one of the room at night. Based on the time of day the one pano sloooowly dissolves into the other one. I can be set to loop-able so it dissolves back into night. Another example of this would be a timer. Say a user triggers a hot spot that starts a 30 second timer. This sets a variable to true then back to false when the timer ends. During that time the user clicks on another hot spot. That new hot spot can check if the previous one is true and then set another variable to a value.

I think these ideas would allow Pano2VR to jump from being a wickedly cool VR system to a system that would allow for the creation of some very cool interactive media. You could make something like Myst with simple logic games. Here's a walk through. You're in a dark room. You click the barely visible lamp. This loads a new pano of a semi-lit room. You see a door. You click on the door to exit but it does nothing. You look back and see the lamp is on a dresser with drawers. You click on the drawer hot spot. This loads a patch image of the open drawer with a key. You click on the patch it loads another patch of the same drawer but without the key and it sets the variable 'k=true' and displays the key icon. You turn back to the door and click on its hot spot which checks 'if k=true' then sets 'k=f' and hides key icon then it loads a new pano. Your now in another room with a window and another door. Its dark outside. There are 8 switches or levers labelled a-hand an activate button. You click on the first lever to throw it. It sets a variable 'a=1' and loads a replacement clip of the thrown switch. Then the c lever which sets 'c=10' You hit the activate button. It runs through 8 operational functions in the stack 'z=a+b', 'y=c+d, 'x=e+f'', 'w=g+h', 'm=x+y', 'n=x+w'', 'o=m+n', 'if o=11 then play .SWF of the new door opening' and load new pano with door open. Until you get the correct combination the window shows that its slowly changing from night to day
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Joined: Fri Jan 29, 2010 8:12 pm

sorry. That should have been in the pano2vr wishlist topic.
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