IPTC+EXIF+GPS data into user data

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Thomas, is there any possibility to have the user data filled in automatically from the IPTC and EXIF data from the jpg file?

BTW, GeoSetter is a great progam adding GPS and IPTC data to the image: http://www.geosetter.de

Edit: I have seen the other posting from October. What about using ExifTool to read and write the data?
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Gumir J | VR Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +77055717171 | skype: gumirj
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Yes, I plan to do this with one of the next betas.... beta6 or beta7 should have it.
MfG, Thomas
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Did anything come of this request ? I was just about to put up a request for the same features, but did a search first !
Geoff - G8DHE
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g8dhe wrote:Did anything come of this request ? I was just about to put up a request for the same features, but did a search first !
No the library I planed to use was not working as expected, so it is still on the ToDo. I have now added it to the bug tracker Issue #354.
MfG, Thomas
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Many thanks Thomas.

Whilst reading the EXIF and IPTC data, would it also be possible to consider writing to the metadata as well ?

The reason I ask is that;
Joost in PTGui is going to be adding the ability to use and add the ImageDirection to the metadata, see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ptgui/G ... 4rjQWSl5AJ .
360Cities are now reading the GPSImageDirection to allow automatic setting of the Heading info. also they are adding the ability to use the Caption and Keywords fields (see here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/360citi ... j2AvpURm8J ).
Now the Caption and Title fields already have equivalents in Pano2VR along with Author, Copyright etc. Now the ability to save the Title and Caption info. back to the IPTC /EXIF from the User Data panel and similar would be excellent as it would mean that Pano2VR would be able to handle all the metadata additions/changes without the need to switch to yet another program like Geosetter to complete these fields.
Might it be possible to simply include and call EXIFtool with the relevant fields to save to much additional work ?
Geoff - G8DHE
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Just an update on EXIF metadata. Some of you may have noticed that I have been pushing for GPSImageDirection, GPSPitch and GPSRoll to be handled by the common Panorama processing programs I use ...
The latest good news is that Phil Harvey of EXIFTools has now included support for adding the GPSPitch and GPSRoll data into the metadata from devices that support the $PTNTHPR sentence (i.e. Solmeta Pro and similar devices). GPSImageDirection was already supported.
From version 8.75, released early Jan 2012, support for the two new fields has been included, to make use of them they just need to be included in the EXIFTools config file, full details and the discussion here EXIFTools forum

So, Thomas, hopefully you might be able to include the use of these fields into Pano2VR so that the GPSImageDirection/GPSPitch/GPSRoll information can be passed thru to output images and also included as metadata that can be accessed from within Pano2VR ? I wonder what progress is being made ?
Geoff - G8DHE
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Also, I have been following Canonrumors.com. They have been reporting that the new Canon 5d III will have onboard GPS. Do not know the GPS extent yet. They are saying Canon 5d III should be announced after February 7, 2012. Of course that includes Christmas.
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That would be nice it would encourage the other manufacturers to start including GPS as well if they do. Hope :idea: they also include a 3-axis compass as well as GPS so that the attitude of the camera as well as its location can be recorded but at least it will be an improvement just to encourage the uptake of GPS in camera!
Geoff - G8DHE
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For those interested in being able to log and then use the full camera Attitude information in the Exif:GPS metadata, I have put together a page outlining the procedures. Hopefully this will encourage camera manufacturers to include the (in time) relevant hardware and software developers to build in its use to align and display Pano's ;-)
See here for the first cut of the page http://360.g8dhe.net/cameraattitude/cameraattitude.htm
Any progress on issue #354 Thomas ??
Geoff - G8DHE
ImageSpherical Visions
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