Text size defined in the skin

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Posts: 91
Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:46 am
Location: Germany

I always export a Flash and an HTML file with the same skin. Unfortunately, the font size in HTML5 always too big and I want to reduce it now.
Perhaps there is a possibility in the skin easy to change the text field of the hotspot the size with one command. So far I've always assumed to be $ hs entered so that the information from the hotspot text box.
What is the name of the command for the font size in text box on the skins?
Then I could just save the skin and then select.

In my hotspot I enter the following command: (Flash)
<font face="Arial BLACK" size="12"> reservation </ font>
The skin hotspot text field:
$ hs

Greatings from Düsseldorf
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