Pano2VR 2.1.0 released

Q&A about the latest versions
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Chief Gnome
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I just posted the final Pano2VR 2.1 version.
New features are:
  • Patch tool (watch the tutorial)
  • Virtually no image size limits (the 2GB TIFF file size is the only limit)
  • Externalize images and skin (create a player with external images)
  • Javascript interface (documentation)
  • RDF meta data in the Flash SWF file
  • Dutch translation, Pano2VR is now available in 14 languages.
You can download the new version as always from the Pano2VR download page.
MfG, Thomas
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RDF meta data in the SWF: If I understand it right, it will use the "User data" to convert it to the RDF meta data.
Is it possible to include also geodata (Lat/Long) inside the swf to place or locate the panorama on a map service like Google Maps?
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Chief Gnome
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ThomasK wrote:RDF meta data in the SWF: If I understand it right, it will use the "User data" to convert it to the RDF meta data.
Correct because Google starts now to index also Flash files. See for example ... ility.html
Is it possible to include also geodata (Lat/Long) inside the swf to place or locate the panorama on a map service like Google Maps?
It's on the todo, but somehow my EXIF parser is still not working....
MfG, Thomas
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What about another Lat/Long field in the user data that can be later overrided by the EXIF data from the jpeg file. If the jpeg file has no EXIF data the program takes the values from the fields in User Data. uses Exiftool:
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@ Thomas,
Nice to see that V2.1 is released. Beta 4 was working OK for me so I guess the final version will also be OK.
ThomasK wrote:What about another Lat/Long field in the user data that can be later overrided by the EXIF data from the jpeg file. If the jpeg file has no EXIF data the program takes the values from the fields in User Data.
@ ThomasK,
I think this a great idea.

Right now I use the "Source" field of the User Data to paste the full URL of a GoogleMaps location but if it will be possible with the HTML generator to convert the GPS data of an image file into a format that can be placed in the HTML source then that will be a big time saver.
See the HTML source of this file to see about what kind of format I am talking (Location link): ... e_001.html

I am sure you both remember this location ;-)

Best Wim.
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Thomas, the new Patch Tools works like a charm!! :wink:
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The new version looks great.

Love the Patch tool tutorial. It looks super easy to use.

I would really like to see a few more tutorials on doing advanced skins.

Things like adding google maps, dropdowns for selecting panos, slide ins and slide outs of floor plans .....
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Chief Gnome
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Since the Flash 10 plugin/player is out and Pano2VR 2.2 is still 1-2 weeks away I decided to release a Pano2VR 2.1.1 with Flash 10 export. For the moment cylindrical panoramas and video is missing for Flash 10 and I also change from Flash CS3 to Flex so not everything is tested yet. For that reason you need to enable Flash 10 export in the settings. After that you will see also a "Flash 10" option.
The generated Flash files works with Flash 9 and Flash 10, and the new "waveless" rendering is automatically activated if the client has Flash 10 installed.

Other news/things change with Pano2VR 2.1.1:
  • Proxy icons in Mac OS X
  • "Recent files" in Skin editor
  • Norwegian translation
  • Bug in viewing parameters for partial panos fixed
  • Bug with undo in Skin editor fixed
You can download the new version as always from the Pano2VR download page.
MfG, Thomas
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Thank you, that have performed our small whims 8)

*what about support partial flat pano images (non-immersive) textures :wink:
Gumir J | VR Panoramic Photographer | mobile: +77055717171 | skype: gumirj
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Externalize images and skin (create a player with external images)
This means loading external images during runtime? How does one do this? Any documentation? I tried searching but found no answers.


Pat L
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makiedog wrote:
Externalize images and skin (create a player with external images)
This means loading external images during runtime? How does one do this? Any documentation? I tried searching but found no answers.
Just check the two boxes within the HTML tab and you will see what happens. You can also watch this tutorial. Near the end you get a hint.
MfG, Thomas
erik leeman
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I've converted almost 80 of my panos to Flash10 now and I must say it is really really worth all the time and effort, man did they improve!
Thanks for making this pre-version available Thomas, the fact that those panos are compatible with Flash10 plugins AND Flash9 ones is a wonderful bonus!

Erik Leeman
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When skin images are externalized, why are they all changed into PNG files? Even though the original files used were jpgs?

Pat L
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makiedog wrote:When skin images are externalized, why are they all changed into PNG files? Even though the original files used were jpgs?
Because this is the internal representation. You can change them back to the original JPEGs in the XML. It should even work to use SWFs.
MfG, Thomas
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thomas wrote:... and Pano2VR 2.2 is still 1-2 weeks away...
Hay Thomas, I've been keeping an eagle eye on the forums since you dropped this 1-2 week time frame for 2.2... I have put a current project on hold as I wait for this release, the new hotspot features you have mentioned are key for for me!

Any how I have held out 10 days, thats the best I can manage.. Any status updates for 2.2???

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