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Loading a flash vr to ram on web

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:39 pm
by Tomo
Have a flash VR tour with multiple html pages interlinked through hotspots within the flash vr nodes. Everything works fine. Question is relating to the "Back" function on the tour. Each time you go to new page it re-loads the flash vr even though you may have been on that page already. Any way to code it so if it loads once, it is held in user's ram so it doesn't re-load each time?

(newbie html coder)

Re: Loading a flash vr to ram on web

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:54 pm
by 360Texas
The way this works is....

When you click on the panorama in a webpage.. the .swf is downloaded to your browser cache folder on your c:\ hard drive.
Then the Adobe Flash player is started to view the .swf located in your browser cache folder.
When you are finished looking at the panorama you close the page. [BUT the .swf is still in your browser cache folder UNLESS you have a browser setting to empty your cache when you close the browser]

IF you want to see the panorama again.. you click the link to the start the panorama... the browser looks FIRST at the cache folder for the .swf. If it is not there THEN it will download it again from the server.

Internet Explorer browser will look first to the local cache folder for the file before AGAIN downloading it from the server - its a time saving feature of the browser. I do not know how other browser work with cache folder.