Q&A about the latest release Version
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:14 am

Some weeks ago, I wrote with a question concerning opening the fullscreen view with the properties gained when pressing F11 on the keyboard - ie. none of the Internet Explorer rubbish that clutters up the top of the screen.

Quite by accident, I have solved the problem. By adding code to open a new browser window with none of the ephemera, the screen will open to the maximum size allowed by the monitor, thus:

Imagine, for example, I want to link from the image tynset.jpg to my fullscreen file tynback.htm, the code would be:

<a href="movies/tynback.htm"><img src="images/tynset.jpg" alt="Tynset from the old bridge" width="483" height="59" border="0"></a>

By adding


within the tabs, the resulting link will be clear of everything.

Thus, the complete line of code would be:

<a href="movies/tynback.htm"><img src="images/tynset.jpg" alt="Tynset from the old bridge" width="483" height="59" border="0" onClick="MM_openBrWindow('movies/tynback.htm','tynback')">

So, for those reading this with a view to doing the same, just add the following code after the image properties to suit your needs:


where the light red represents the path to your movie and the dark red, the name of the window you are creating (it is best here not to use underscores, hyphens or spaces here, just letters and numbers).

I hope this is of use to someone out there in cyberspace. Just one thing, though, it doesn't work at all when trying to combine it with rollover images.

The source codes for a recent virtual tour of Tynset church in Hedmark, Norway can be viewed at
