Getting the MovieClip

Using Pano2VR/Object2VR SWF files with your own Flash projects
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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:40 pm

Hi, using the ActionScript code from the site doesn't work because you cannot convert a DisplayObject into a MovieClip (even though the code example on Garden Gnome is copied from Adobe). All you get back is a null reference. So I figured out how to find the PanoPlayer like this:

var vr:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var pano:MovieClip = MovieClip(vr.getChildAt(0));

But when I try to do this:
trace( pano.getPan() );

It says "Error #1069: Property getPan not found on PanoPlayer and there is no default value."

How can I get from the PanoPlayer object to the getPan() method?

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:40 pm

Took me a while to figure out how to get the actual player and access the methods. Here is my version for a Flash movie I am going to run inside of Director and make getPan() calls to:

Code: Select all

package {
	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.utils.Timer;
	public class VRLoader extends Sprite {
		var loader:Loader;
		var vr:MovieClip;
		var urlReq:URLRequest;
		var loaded:Boolean;
		var panoPlayer:MovieClip;
		public function VRLoader():void
			// testing only
		public function loadFile(url:String):void
			loaded = false;
			loader = new Loader();
			urlReq = new URLRequest(url);
			//addChild(loader); // no need to add your swf directly to the stage
		public function getPan():Number
			if (loaded) {
				// pan = '<panoclip>.pano.getPan()'
				return panoPlayer.pano.getPan();
			} else {
				return -1;
		// This is done after the swf is loaded.
		public function finishedHandler (e:Event) {
		  //trace("finishedHandler: " + e);
		public function initHandler(e:Event):void {
			//trace("initHandler: " + e);
			//var vr:MovieClip = MovieClip(loader.content); // cast 'DisplayObject' to 'MovieClip' does NOT work
			vr = new MovieClip();
			// once the 'DisplayObject' is a child of vr it can be converted to a 'MovieClip'
			panoPlayer = MovieClip(vr.getChildAt(0));
			// call initPanorama every frame
			addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME , initPanorama);
		public function initListeners():void {
			// Tell the loader to call 'finished_loading' after the swf is loaded.
			loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishedHandler);
			loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
		public function initPanorama(e:Event):void {
			// check if the panorama object is available and initialized
			if ((vr != null) && (panoPlayer.pano != null)) {
				removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME , initPanorama );
				loaded = true;
				panoPlayer.pano.setWindowSize(320,240); // resize the window
				//panoPlayer.pano.setWindowPos(200,200); // reposition
				// test that we can get to our pan '<panoclip>.pano.getPan()'
				var pan:Number = getPan();
				if (pan >= 0){
					trace("initPanorama Pan: " + pan);

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