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Scroll Area alignment

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:31 am
by MPW
Hi there,

to solve a previous problem to align contents I found that using a scroll area probably is a better way to arrange graphic elements.
However I´m getting confused with the scroll area´s scaling behaviour and arranging the inner contents.

Attached a skin where I managed to arrange 3 Hotspots using an external image responsivly, depending on pagewidth.

The preview looks fine: changing window size the hotspots keep a centered arrangment, while changing position.

After outputting the project the hotspots are displaced to the right. Only after changing the window size the scroll area seems to recognize his 100% and arrange the HS correctly.

Where is the mistake?

Thanks for helping me out.

Re: Scroll Area alignment

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:25 am
by k.ary.n
You'll need to make all the external loaders top-left aligned. And then you'll need to adjust your expression results for position.

Re: Scroll Area alignment

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 10:28 am
by MPW
Hi k.ary.n,
thanks for your help.

Yes, I tried that before. And when testing it via the skin preview the position setting was quite strange when changing window size (of the preview).

But you are right: if aligning the contents to upper left the initial appearance is ok. For all initial window sizes. However, when changing the size - like it happens when turning your mobile from portrait to landscape - there is an displacement of the contents to the right. In preview or browser window you have to change the size just a little bit. Thereafter position corrects itself to center again.
Maybe a bug?

For me it would be more helpful to be able to use the center orientation of objects within a scroll area. Probably that doesn´t cover all html- or css rules in the background.

Finally initial output looks good. So, thanks again.