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Dynamic attribute SRC in iframe

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:58 pm
by christianm_hz
Hi all,

to load additional content (e.g. Impress & Data protection are html-files locates in my website) in my tour I've created in skin editor a container (called iframe_container 80% width and height) with an textfield (Text_6, 100%width and height) inside. In the menu I've created several textfields (impress and data protection) with an action e.g. for impress:
Source: Mouseclick,
Action: Set value,
Parameter: <iframe src="impress.html" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" frameborder= "0"></iframe>,
Target: Text_6
This works perfekt!

Now I'll want to drill out my image popup with a link to this iframe, where additional information (e.g. Wikipedia) should be displayed. For this I've created a container (image_popup2) with three textboxes wich filled by an image hotspot ($(hs) = title, $(hd) = description and $(ht) = target (is being misused as a link information) ) - works great!

But now I want to click at the textbox with the target link inside and, like above with the impress page, load this content via iframe into the Textfield Text_6. With the same action as above but src=$(ht) doesn't work.

I have no ideas to get going, please help :?

Greats, Christian

during further searches I found the solution:
I created a variable (wiki_ref) and fill it with the target $(ht) when I click on the hotspot. In the click-action of the textbox I changed the Parameter to

Code: Select all

<iframe src=$(*wiki_ref) ... >
Works great