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"Button" Normal - Mouse Over - Selected?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:49 am
by TheRealMojoJojo
Hello to all my Fantabulous Pano2VR peeps!

I seem to have over complicated something that should be so simple. Please, correct me if I am wrong:

NORMAL - This image is shown when the button is in it's default, no input state

MOUSE OVER - This image is shown when you mouse over

SELECTED - This image is show when the button is selected

I have created a number of buttons which correspond to it's respective pano. I want the button to stay "selected" after it's been "selected" and opens it's pano. However, all I am seeing the image change when I press the button. Once I let go of the button, the button reverts back to it's "normal" state.

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

Re: "Button" Normal - Mouse Over - Selected?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:20 pm
by Tony

You need to think of 'Selected' not as a permanent state but a temporary one that indicates you have clicked on it, similar to a Mouse Down.

In the following example I have 3 panoramas each with a tag pano1 - pano3. In the skin I have 3 svg buttons, in a Container 'Button-States', each button has 3 states: Normal = 1.svg | Mouse Over = 1_o.svg and Selected = 1_s.svg. Each of the three buttons has a Mouse Click Action that opens the corresponding panorama.

Button States0.jpg
Button States0.jpg (875.33 KiB) Viewed 1711 times

In addition I have another container with 3 svg buttons but only the 'Selected' version. Each button has it's visibility checked off and has a logic block; Tags | Contain | pano1 - Visible: true.

So when you are in pano1 then the first button displays the Selected button but the other two buttons show the 3 states; normal, mouse over and selected. See project... ... index.html

You can download the project files, assets and skin here... ...

As always this may not be the only solution and I'd love to read about other options.



Re: "Button" Normal - Mouse Over - Selected?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:42 pm
by Hopki
Hi Guys,
Already answered this in your other post: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=12370#p54777
Also moving this to the skins forum.